Category Archives: News


’68 Hallowed Ground has been unleashed unto the world. Years in the making, this special issue is dedicated to our friend Josh Medors, who we lost last year to spinal cancer.

This issue consists of three very special covers, cover A is a wrap-a-round cover by Medors, Jones and Fotos, Cover B is by comics horror legend Bernie Wrightson and the third cover is ’68 Comics first featuring a blank sketch cover only available on the ’68 ONLINE STORE

Find this and other ’68 titles at your local comic shop;
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The creators of the Image Comics series ‘68 are proud to present a limited collector’s edition print in memory of the late comics artist Josh Medors.

‘68: Hallowed Ground was one of the last projects Josh Medors worked on before passing away. He provided a cover, layouts, and thumbnails for the book, which were used to create the final one-shot. To honor their friend and colleague, the ‘68 creators have released a limited-edition print for sale with all proceeds going to Medors’ wife Charlotte and son Garth.

These limited-edition prints are available for purchase on the ’68 ONLINE STORE

More information regarding this item is available from the PRESS RELEASE from Image Comics.

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Happy to announce that all of your favorite ’68 titles are now available forAmazon Kindle!

Check out our DIGITAL section for more information on what ’68 content is available for your favorite tablet, phone or other digital device.

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